Sardonic Mashup

For this assignment you are asked to do the following:

“The concept is to mashup something along the lines of a public apology, a commercial, a pandering political speech or anything you’d like to mock for the public good.”


I used Academy Award Acceptance Speeches from Cuba Gooding Jr, Michael Moore, and Marlon Brando (Little Feather) to create this mashup.  Also, I put them over a track by Godspeed You Black Emperor, to create a haunting tone.  The speeches have been cut and edited, and moved around to create a montage of overlapping clips.  I wanted to highlight what Michael Moore said about fictitious times and his preference for non-fiction; Cuba’s getting utterly lost int he moment, and the touching speech by Little Feather.  How much has changed in Hollywood?  Are Native Americans treated any differently, or any better?

Little Feather

Acceptance Versus Celebration

One thought on “Sardonic Mashup

  1. Was Michael Moore getting booed throughout his speech? Godspeed You Black Emperor really does the trick. So good– in our attempts at sincerity, we’re all still just putting on a show.

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